Some Photos Of Indonesia’s Deathlike Volcanic Explosion

TAGS deathlike | Explosion | Volcanic | Volcano
An unfortunate explosion came upon Indonesia on Saturday, the 1st of February. According to the Associated Press, the death toll was above 14, including four high-schoolers and their teacher, as well as a local TV journalist. The volcano, Mount Sinabung erupted multiple times, after becoming increasingly volatile in the past few months, oozing lava up to 2.8 miles away.
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Residents were well-informed of the active volcano and a large number of them managed to evacuate the area ahead of time. Keep scrolling to see some graphic images of the aftermath.
The giant volcanic ash clouds that engulfed some lives can be seen from this village in the Karo district.
Capturing a moment of panic, this picture shows a civilian trying to escape the ash clouds.
The ash cloud in action, enveloping village after village once the gigantic explosion occurred.
Survivors move about, trying to salvage victims of the deadly eruption, buried in ash.
A dead victim of the volcano is encased in a coffin and carried out of this hospital in Kabanjahe, North Sumatra.
Indonesians prepare to evacuate as the volcanic ash clouds travel further into the villages of the Karo district.
Submerged in ash, a person probably attempting to flee from the volcano lies dead in its aftermath.
Village-folk encounter a release of pyroclastic flows and searing gas as the volcano erupts multiple times, claiming many lives.
The body of a wounded resident is recovered from the ash-laden fields, by rescuers.
A man is inconsolable after identifying the body of his relative, a victim of the fatal explosion, at a hospital in Kabanjahhe, North Sumatra.
Source: Mashable
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deathlike | Explosion | Volcanic | Volcano