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Facebook Gives A Boost To Social Media Marketing With Instant Articles

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Alessandro Ilarda

May 15, 2015

Already one of the top go-to locations for everything social and current, Facebook is gearing up to streamline the online experience even further with Instant Articles. Snapchat’s Discover made staying up-to-date on the headlines easier for you by curating news from various channels on one platform within its app. Following Snapchat Discover’s success story, Facebook has launched Instant Articles to make online news consumption easier by collaborating with The New York Times, Buzzfeed, and National Geographic.

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Changing How You Read News On Social Media

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A quick skim through your Newsfeed is usually enough to stay abreast of the latest news from around the world. News sites and web content publishers are starting to rely more and more on their social media campaigns and Facebook marketing to circulate their articles. One of the only things that hinders the process is the irksome need to load every article in a new page and wait for it to load.

Changing Your Newsfeed

Facebook has come up with a devilish plan to keep you within its own eco-system. Instant Articles is a content strategy by Facebook that is designed to load articles within its own app. This means news articles will pop up quickly without making you wait for a new web page to load every time. However, you will still have a say on what you want to see on your newsfeed.

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Which Media Houses Are Collaborating With Facebook?

For now, The New York Times, Buzzfeed, and National Geographic have signed up to be a part of Instant Articles. Facebook is trying to make the process appealing to publishers by giving them an opportunity to garner a huge amount of revenue from advertising within these articles with a little innovative marketing. Several other popular media houses are expected to jump on the bandwagon. Soon you should be able to read articles from all your favourite sites publishing houses right from your Facebook app.

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