Total Inspiration

Apple ‘Better’ Commercial

Vishal Khan

Jun 9, 2014

Narrated by Apple’s CEO Tim Cook himself, this new commercial by Apple draws attention to everything that the company has done and is doing to lower their carbon footprint.

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Titled ‘Better‘, the commercial lasts a short 90 seconds and focuses on the brand’s minimal packaging as well as futuristic data centers that only use solar power for functionality.

A Force Of Nature

According to Cook, the ad signifies how leaving the world better than it was when you first found it is a force of nature that should be driving us all. The campaign was unveiled on Tuesday and clearly outlines the impact of the company’s environmental initiatives.

Environmental Responsibility

Apple’s doings are backed by a fully refurbished website featuring environmental responsibilities, apart from this video voiced by Cook.

Why ‘Better’

The company chose the name ‘Better‘ because it is a powerful word that brings out a powerful ideal. As Cook says, he video makes you want to change the world for the better when you look at it, by reinventing, innovating and improving.

Reducing The Footprint

Based in Cupertino, California, Apple aims at reducing its carbon footprint across a variety of areas by implementing methods that alter the materials used in its products and increasing their recyclability. The biggest change by the company is its designs for the new data center and Arizona Sapphire plant, to be powered entirely by renewable energy.

Tools That Inspire

While the company doesn’t claim to be ahead of the rest in environmental friendliness, Apple stresses that there is a long way to go and there is always time to learn. Using tools that inspire you to make the world a better place, Apple’s campaign hops to get that job done.

What It Entails

Apple’s environmental responsibility site features descriptive sections speaking of Climate Change, Toxins, Finite Resources, and their Progress. Showcasing the many ways in which Apple has altered its energy practices and products, the page also features a letter from environmental chief Lisa Jackson and a bulleted list of major environmental victories over the past 13 years.










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| Arizona Sapphire | Better |

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