Web Summit 2015: the conference of everything which has technology inside.

There is a city in Europe where once a year the digital rules it’s Dublin where from 3 to 5 of November takes place the Web Summit 2015.
Dublin is the city in Europe who has always been more attractive for the digital economy . Not by chance, thanks to tax concessions, the European headquarters of the largest Tech companies : from Amazon to Google to Facebook to the historical IBM and Microsoft have settled. It is impressive to see how whole warehouses in the neighborhoods close to the city center and along the rivers has been re transformed into offices surrounded by green areas where tech professionals and their families relax during lunch breaks or in the weekends.
The tax advantages also allowed the emerging of a broad startup ecosystem ready for a stand alone competition in the market, to become the R&S department for a large company or, simply, be ready to be bought. In this environment was born the Web Summit founded by Paddy Cosgrave, now 31 graduated in the Trinity College. Cosgrave created it in 2010. The first edition had 400 registered participants. The fifth last year peaked 20,000.
Photo via websummit.net
What is the Web Summit?
It is a great big conference about the Web that combines two elements among them apparently difficult to merge: the speed and the gigantines (can we use this word?). There are 5 stages with a stream of front talks (TED style) and talk shows with a maximum of 4 participants . The talk’ s duration is 15 minutes and are often accompanied by slides or images, the talk show duration is 30 minutes. The stages are located inside large buildings which that can get to contain 2,000 people each.
Another feature of the Web Summit is the chance to chat with the speakers when they just got off the stage. You greet them give your business card, you tell three words that can affect their attention and so many things can happen.
Photo via websummit.net
Who talks @ Web Summit?
Last year, for example, Bono closed the event with his talk. Last year, also, the fashion side was covered by Liz Hurley interviewed by Paddy Cosgrave . Obviously it also the Web Summit also speaks to the media industry. The past year for example I attended a beautiful panel moderated by the late David Carr with Jimmy Mainmann of Buzzfeed.
The Web Summit is a great milieu where you can see so many things apparently without any connection between them but having only one denominator: the technology because the tchnology is a part of us of the products and services that we use and obviously teh is inside all the companies. This year there will be also some Italian startups. Last year among the other there was Appetitoso which this year received a first round of funding and , of course , a number of Italian startuppers including Mario Mariani with Marinanow, the “AirBnB boats”. Whis is incubated by italian incubator The Net Value.
This year the list of speakers is very long. From the Instagram cofounder: Mike Kriegerad to Ed Catmull founder of Pixar. Fromthe writer Dan Brown to foootballer Gianluca Vialli one of the best Italian scorer with its startup : Tifosy. But there are other kind of entrepreneurs like Nasir Jones AKA NAS one of most important American rappers .
We wrote above: there is everything in the Web Summit, with tech inside.