Brazil World Cup + Game of Thrones = The Beautiful Game
& from had the magnificent idea to represent the Brazil 2014 World Cup competition in a Game of Thrones style. Piqué, Rooney, Pirlo, Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi fight as they were knights and warriors. But who is coming at the end to face all of them?
This is crazy awesome! Get inspired!
READ ALSO: Google Celebrates Brazil 2014 World Cup With “Tour the Streets of Brazil”
NEYMAR Stark Jr. #10 – Brazil
CRISTIANO The Kingslayer #7 – Portugal
Hodor ROONEY #10 & Bran GERRARD #4 – England
NEUER Rayder #1 – Germany
PIRLO Snow #21 – Italy
Khal DROGBA #11 - Côte d’Ivoire
MESSI The Imp #10 – Argentina
PIQUE Naharis #3 – Spain
Brazil 2014 World Cup + Game of Thrones
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