Cloak – An App For Your Antisocial Needs
From the same cyberspace where social networking apps like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp reside, comes this very intimidating anti-social networking app, called Cloak. Contrary to social apps, Cloak tracks people around you that you really, really want to avoid at all times. This could range from your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend to your co-workers or boss, or simply anyone you’d rather not run into.
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Be Antisocial
While it may be great to be an outgoing person, it is also quite rewarding to be a little antisocial from time to time. For example, in the case of your ex, you can pretty much save the life of your new beau by avoiding the old stalker.
How It Works
Cloak works by using location data from other social networking apps like Instagram or Foursquare to provide you with notifications about how close you are to the creep you don’t want to see. The location data that the app displays may incorporate your friends as well, because you never know when you’ll want to avoid who.
Social Check-Ins
Cloak relies on social check-ins like the ones on Facebook, or geo-tagged location information to gather the data it needs and gauge the proximity of the person from your present location. When you download the app, it first logs you into Foursquare and Instagram, and voila, all your contacts are plotted on a map.
Flagging And Alerts
To be alerted about particular individuals, you simply have to flag the person. Cloak will then alert you everytime that person crosses a present radius. Perhaps the best thing about this app yet, is that its theme is completely relatable to pretty much everyone. If you claim to never have wanted to avoid somebody, you definitely are lying.
Created by programmer Brian Moore and ex-Buzzfeed creative director Chris Baker, Cloak was just one of their very vaguely misanthropic applications. Some great other innovations by Baker in particular, include Rather,, and Hate with Friends.