Google Glass With Layar’s Augmented Reality
We are only years away, from augmented reality, with Layar in the race to provide the next reality.
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A Race Into The Future
Layar is one among the first few companies, to spearhead the pursuit of augmented reality through smart phones. And now, with Google Glass almost on the market, they are already in the lead to build an augmented reality for this device. Layar’s beta version of their augmented reality app is already available for download, from their website.
Make Magazines Magical
Although the app is still in beta, it can do a number of astonishing things. The Magazines who have partnered with Layar, can be viewed through Google Glass, to see more than what meets the naked eye. You come across a picture of a celebrity, and if you say “Ok Glass, scan this”, a relevant video will pop-up immediately.
OK Glass, Scan This!
Google Glass equipped with Layer can Scan 200,000 print pages, 6,000 Geo-Layers, QR codes, and buildings to receive real estate information. Saying “Ok Glass, scan this!” can do a lot, but Layer also uses a handy swipe technology on the right side of the glasses – this can be used to shift through visual information. By double tapping, you can enlarge the piece of information you are viewing, into full screen.
Still In Beta, But Not For Long
The beta version is being updated by the day, heading towards a complete augmented reality experience. That being said, I’m sure you wouldn’t complain if you were given the chance to take this beta app for a spin. Chances are that the full version of Layar’s augmented reality app will be ready and available by the time Google Glass is available.
And Last But Not Least
You could access and view movie trailers, just by looking at its poster, anywhere, anytime.
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