Total Inspiration

What Happens When You Give A Photographer An Old Russian Spacesuit

TAGS Astronaut | astronaut’s suit | | Rocket | The Everyday Astronaut | Tim Dodd

Alessandro Ilarda

Jun 14, 2014

A wedding and event photographer hailing from Iowa, Tim Dodd has some rather fascinating pictures to share of his astronaut adventures. It all started when he bought himself an old Russian astronaut’s suit in an auction.

Read Also: A Spacesuit For Mars By NASA

He couldn’t use the suit for what it was made, so he decided to bring it to life with these incredible pictures. So, Tim simply created a Facebook page, named it ‘’ and started adding pictures of himself in the suit in weird situations. Hilarity ensued and the creative photoshoot attracted many viewers. His comments on the photos are hilarious as well, check them out:

1.  This Is How A Russian Astronaut Eats

What do you do when you’ve been in space for so long that you haven’t had the chance to eat good food at all? This.



2. I’m Gonna Leave Now. Gotta Rocket To Catch. Kuddos Bye.

Tim is clearly on a trip. Pun intended.



3. Tim Mower Time!

An ecstatic astronaut mowing his lawn. Nuff said.



4. There’s Something Wrong With This.  Need Some Bigger Boosters On This Thing.

The rocket doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe it’s because he’s in a children’s park?



5. Depressed As He Was Not Declared TIME’S Astronaut Of The Year

The misery of it all. Can you imagine what it’d feel like to risk your life like that and still not get named Astronaut Of The Year?



6. Just heading in to work. My everyday life.

If only life was this enterprising for everyone every day.



7. Iron First Before Going To Space

Most important thing to do before you go to space. Iron that shirt. Don’t burn it though.



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Astronaut | astronaut’s suit | | Rocket | The Everyday Astronaut | Tim Dodd

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