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Networkr Is A Networking App For LinkedIn Contacts

TAGS | linkedin | network | Networkr | Seedr

Valerio Spagnuolo

Jun 10, 2014

Networkr is a professional networking app that is powered by your LinkedIn contacts. Since your professional network is one of the most important assets, meeting the right people at a conference or in a new city can pose to be quite a big challenge. This is where Networkr steps in. The app is aimed at letting you connect easily with new people – the kind that are right for you.

Read Also: Finally, LinkedIn allows you to apply for a job directly from your mobile

How It Works

Networkr lets you login with your Linkedin profile so that you can customize and set a range for the kind of users you would like to interact with. Further modifications can be added to the area of expertise you would like to zero in on, and you can even select the areas that you are interested in.

Future Additions

In the near future, Networkr will add more categories to its selection criteria, such that you can scroll through another user’s profile in seconds to figure out whether they are the kind of person you’d want to connect with.

“Let’s Connect”

When you find the colleague of your dreams, you can go right ahead and click on “Let’s Connect” to establish communication with the said person. The best implementation of the app is to view potential business matches in your vicinity and decide whether they are connection-worthy.

Seedr Campaign

Networkr is up on Seedr for a money funding campaign with a goal of £25,000 to improve the app and promote it to reach useful critical mass. Whether you’re on an alien event or in a new city, Networkr helps you market yourself by marketing your uniqueness and what you stand for so that you can connect with people of opportunities.

A Mutual Connection

Your connection is established when the interest is mutual, and this will let you interact with your friend through email or on Linkedin. Subsequently, you can grow your network rather fast.







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| linkedin | network | Networkr | Seedr

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