Honest Food Illustrations By David Olenick

There are so many instances when you could almost swear you heard your food speak. If you haven’t had that phenomenal experience yet, here is a bunch of fun food illustrations by David Olenick that tells you what your food has been dying to say to you all this time.
Read Also: Colored Food Series – Blue turkey with a side of green noodles?
Reflecting human frailties in a minimalistic and simple way, Creative Illustrative David Olenick knows perfectly well how you feel about your food.
The Inner Voice
In his drawings, David expresses your inner voice as the words of everything from ultra-healthy chows to high calorie foods and alcoholic beverages. These sassy food illustrations capture all that guilt you feel over eating more ice-cream than you should, or your perpetual obsession with morning coffee.
Food Embarrassments
Hilarious yet accurate, the art taps into food-related anxieties perfectly, striking a flawless balance between embracing and mocking your embarrassments about what you eat that you hold deep inside your heart.
Brutally Honest
In a parallel universe, if food could give you honest opinions, this is definitely what it would say. Including NSFW language, the series constitute rather adorable cartoon interpretations of your food, seducing you to eat them using many tactics.
‘Calm Down’
Perhaps the most apt is the cup of tea telling you to calm down, and it sort of hits home when you see it. The featured food items include chocolate, a double patty cheeseburger, beer, wine, peanut butter, lollipop, broccoli, coffee and pint of ice cream.
‘Text Him’
A glass of wine recommending you to ‘Text Him’ is also amusingly accurate, as is a mug of beer trying to get real friendly. The cute combination of images with text makes the whole thing embarrassingly relatable in a subtle yet entertaining way.
Prints And Mechandise
David’s humorous illustrations are available in print on t-shirts or other merchandise and can be purchased through his shops on Society6 and Threadless.